Cheatsheet: Side Hustle Ideas with Pros, Cons, Pitfalls

Here is the cheatsheet for Side Hustles. It’s a living document, so I’ll add to it over time.

Have questions? Email me: doug @

Want more? Check out my YouTube Channel or Podcast.

Freelance Services:

Utilize your existing skills in areas like writing, design, or programming to offer services on a project basis. Freelancers connect with clients through platforms or personal networks, delivering specific projects or tasks.

  • Pros:
    • Flexibility in choosing projects.
    • Direct application of skills.
    • High income potential.
    • Remote work opportunities.
    • Portfolio diversification.
  • Cons:
    • Workflow inconsistency.
    • Client management.
    • Marketing oneself.
    • Potential for long hours.
    • Income unpredictability.
  • Pitfall: Underpricing services due to lack of market knowledge or confidence, leading to burnout and unsustainable business practices.


Leverage your professional expertise to provide specialized advice to businesses or individuals. Consultants analyze problems, develop strategies, and recommend solutions to improve client outcomes in areas like marketing, IT, or business development.

  • Pros:
    • Professional expertise utilization.
    • High earning potential.
    • Opportunities for repeat business.
    • Flexible working arrangements.
    • Authority establishment in your field.
  • Cons:
    • Slow initial client base development.
    • Time-intensive engagements.
    • Networking necessity.
    • High client expectations.
    • Project and client management.
  • Pitfall: Overextending by taking on too many clients or projects without adequate resources, resulting in diminished service quality and client satisfaction.

Online Courses and Coaching:

Create and sell educational content or offer personal coaching sessions online. This can range from academic subjects to personal development, utilizing platforms like Udemy for course sales or conducting coaching through personal websites.

  • Pros:
    • Passive income streams.
    • Direct learner engagement.
    • Business scalability.
    • Course topic flexibility.
    • Personal brand enhancement.
  • Cons:
    • Competitive landscape.
    • Initial content creation time.
    • Marketing for student attraction.
    • Platform dependency for sales.
    • Continuous content updates.
  • Pitfall: Failing to update course materials or coaching methods, which can lead to outdated information and decreased student engagement over time.

Reselling Products:

Engage in buying products at lower prices and selling them at a profit, often through online marketplaces like eBay. This involves market research, product sourcing, and sales strategy to identify and capitalize on profitable opportunities.

  • Pros:
    • Low barrier to entry.
    • Product selection flexibility.
    • Potential for high profit margins.
    • Minimal initial investment.
    • Market exploration.
  • Cons:
    • Market research requirement.
    • Risk of unsold inventory.
    • Time commitment.
    • Competitive seller landscape.
    • Platform fees and policies.
  • Pitfall: Investing in inventory without thorough market research, risking unsold stock and financial losses.


Operate an online store without maintaining inventory by partnering with suppliers who fulfill orders directly to customers. Dropshippers focus on marketing and customer service, while suppliers handle product stocking and shipping.

  • Pros:
    • No need for inventory management.
    • Low startup costs.
    • Product variety.
    • Operational flexibility.
    • Scalability.
  • Cons:
    • Lower profit margins.
    • Supplier reliability.
    • High competition.
    • Customer service challenges.
    • Marketing dependency.
  • Pitfall: Neglecting customer service and relying too heavily on suppliers, which can lead to poor customer experiences and damage to your brand reputation.


Affiliate Marketing:

Promote third-party products or services through blogs, social media, or websites, earning a commission for sales made through unique affiliate links. This involves content creation, audience building, and strategic promotion.

  • Pros:
    • Passive income potential.
    • Minimal startup expenses.
    • Product promotion flexibility.
    • No customer service handling.
    • High ROI potential.
  • Cons:
    • Online presence development.
    • Variable income.
    • Affiliate program limitations.
    • Competitive niche markets.
    • Continuous content creation.
  • Pitfall: Choosing affiliate products solely based on commission rates rather than alignment with audience interests and needs, potentially eroding trust and engagement.

Print on Demand:

Sell custom-designed merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or posters without managing inventory. Platforms handle printing, shipping, and fulfillment based on customer orders, allowing creators to focus on design and marketing.

  • Pros:
    • Inventory-free business model.
    • Creative design outlet.
    • Product order minimization.
    • Easy platform setup.
    • Website integration.
  • Cons:
    • Production cost impact on margins.
    • Quality and fulfillment dependency.
    • Niche market competition.
    • Sales-driven marketing effort.
    • Shipping and customer service limitations.
  • Pitfall: Overlooking quality control and relying too much on the POD platform for product quality, leading to customer complaints and returns.

Digital Products:

Create and sell digital assets such as e-books, software, design templates, or courses. Digital products offer scalability and control, with creators managing production, marketing, and sales through various online platforms.

  • Pros:
    • Inventory-free scalability.
    • Full creative control.
    • High margin potential.
    • Global market access.
    • Unlimited sales potential.
  • Cons:
    • Product development time.
    • Standout marketing need.
    • Technical skill requirement.
    • Piracy risk.
    • Ongoing customer support.
  • Pitfall: Ignoring market demand and creating products based on personal interests rather than customer needs, resulting in low sales.

Content Creation:

Develop a personal brand by starting a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast. Monetization comes through various channels like advertising, sponsorships, merchandise, or affiliate marketing, focusing on audience growth and engagement.

  • Pros:
    • Brand building opportunity.
    • Diverse revenue streams.
    • Creative content freedom.
    • Direct audience connection.
    • Long-term income.
  • Cons:
    • Content production time.
    • Gradual audience building.
    • Creator burnout risk.
    • Revenue fluctuation.
    • Engagement and marketing skills.
  • Pitfall: Focusing too much on quantity over quality, which can dilute your brand message and fail to build a loyal audience.


Stock Photography:

Monetize photography skills by creating and selling stock photos to online platforms. Photographers earn royalties when their images are downloaded, offering a passive income stream for both amateur and professional photographers.

  • Pros:
    • Passive revenue from photo sales.
    • Hobby monetization.
    • Broad audience reach.
    • Portfolio building.
    • Low startup costs.
  • Cons:
    • Competitive field.
    • Sales inconsistency.
    • High-quality photo requirement.
    • Low per-photo royalties.
    • Trend and demand research.
  • Pitfall: Producing generic or low-quality images that don’t stand out in the crowded stock photography market, leading to low sales and revenue.