Whether your audience are avid readers, students, or just looking to learn a new hobby, there will be an affiliate program for you to work with. We have rounded up the best book affiliate programs for you to choose from, some are aimed at a particular demographic, some offer rental services, and others, subscription boxes. Whatever it is that your audience needs, there will be a program for you to work with.
You’ll find the company, commission rate, cookie length, company info, plus a link to the affiliate program so you can learn more.
ThriftBooks was founded in 2003 and has its headquarters in Washington, US.
ThriftBooks is one of the world’s largest online, and independent sellers of used books. They have sold more than 160 million used and new books since its inception in 2003.
ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, then grades, and distribute used and rare/collectible books.
Customers who shop at ThriftBooks.com can earn free books through the company’s loyalty program, ‘Reading Rewards’ which may be a good incentive to your readers.
Commission Rate: 4% – 6.5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 7 Days

Apple Books (formerly iBooks)
Apple Books was established in 2010, and until 2018 it was known as iBooks.
A really great feature of Apple Books is that it stacks books that belong to a series when the user is on the “All Books” screen.
When selected, the books included in the series are shown to the user in the order in which they were released. This includes the books in the series that the user has not yet purchased.
As an affiliate, this can be great for getting additional sales.
Commission Rate: 7% – 400% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 1 – 30 Days

Join the Apple Affiliate Program
Audible Affiliates
Audible was launched in 1995 under the broader Amazon brand.
Audible is a subscription service offered by Amazon for its range of books. Users get a credit a month to download and listen to any book of their choosing, there are also 1000’s of selected ‘Audible Originals’ podcasts and audiobooks available to subscribers free of charge.
Audible members get access to exclusive deals on other books as well as a month on month rolling contract that can be canceled at any time.
Finally, users get access to a free 30-day trial, which can be a good incentive to get people signed up if they are not sure whether it’s for them or not.
Commission Rate: $5 Per Trial
Cookie Duration: 24 Hours

Join the Audible Affiliates Affiliate Program
Books-A-Million (BAM!)
BAM! was established in 1917 and is based in Alabama, US.
Originally, this company was a newsstand, it soon developed into the premier book retailing chain in the Southeastern United States, and the second-largest book retailer in the nation, with the online wholesale division, BAM!
They offer a range of books, mangas, audiobooks, funko, and pop culture as well as a range of toys and games.
Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Books-A-Million Affiliate Program
Bookshop was founded in 2020, it is based in New York, US.
It is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores, they very much believe the bookstores are essential to a healthy culture.
They give away over 80% of their profit margin to stores and affiliates of their stores: publications, authors, and others who make up the thriving, inspirational culture around books.
Commission Rate: 10% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the Bookshop Affiliate Program
KetoConnect was founded in 2016, and it has its headquarters based in Georgia, US.
They offer a range of keto resource books, delivering great keto and low carb recipes, meal plans, and guidance.
If your audience is into keto, weight loss, or health in general, this could be a great affiliate program to work with.
Commission Rate: 40% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 90 Days

Join the KetoConnect Affiliate Program
TextbookX (formerly Textbooksatcost.com) is an offshoot of Akademos.com, it was founded in 2001, the head offices are based in Athens, Greece.
It is one of the largest independent online sources of used college textbooks. It offers students the ability both to buy and sell their used textbooks.
They operate a distribution process, based on direct relationships with distributors and publishers, in order to provide students with textbooks at deeply discounted prices.
Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the TextbookX Affiliate Program
Scholastic was established in 1920 (yes, you read that right!), its headquarters are located in New York, US.
Scholastic Corporation is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, such as, ‘Clifford, the Big Red Dog’.
It is a leading provider of core literacy curriculum and professional services, a producer of education (pre-K to grade 12), and entertaining children’s media.
Commission Rate: 6% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the Scholastic Affiliate Program
IndieBound was established in 2008 and is a US based company.
It is an initiative of the American Booksellers Association dedicated to making the world better one independent bookstore at a time.
IndieBound allows indie booksellers to communicate the vital role they play in their local economies and communities.
They allow authors to show their dedication to indies nationwide, easily done by linking to thousands of indie bookstores through the site.
Affiliates make money by linking to specific books.
Commission Rate: Unknown
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the IndieBound Affiliate Program
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble was founded in 1866 and its headquarters are based in New York, US.
They are a well-known, reputable book store having over 600 bookstores across every US state.
Barnes & Noble have their own e-reader – the NOOK, encouraging people to read digital books as well as physical.
As an affiliate, you can earn money through recommending books, the NOOK, and accessories.
Commission Rate: 2% to 4% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 24 Hour

Join the Barnes & Noble Affiliate Program
Knetbooks was established in 2009 and it is based in Kentucky, US.
It was born out of the frustration of students having to spend an astronomical amount of money on text books that are only used for a brief period of time. Their solution was Knetbooks.
They offer affordable textbook rentals with a simple renting and return process. It is great for students that do not have the money to lay out for textbooks.
They offer free shipping with no minimum purchase amount.
Commission Rate: 8% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 45 Days

Join the Knetbooks Affiliate Program
Textbook Solutions
Textbook Solutions was founded in 2007 and is based in Kentucky, US.
It is a textbook rental business. Students can save up to 90% on the cost of actually buying the book.
They also offer free shipping, both on renting and returns.
Commission Rate: 30% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 1 Day

Join the Textbook Solutions Affiliate Program
BiggerBooks was established in 2001 and has its head offices based in Nevada, US.
It is a premier online textbook vendor specializing in highly discounted books and textbooks. One way BiggerBooks ensures customers get the best deal possible is through the company’s ‘Daily Deal’ feature. This feature provides customers with a different coupon code each day of the week to receive a unique discount.
They boast that they offer savings of over 91% on list prices by using our proprietary technology to scour prices across the web.
Commission Rate: 6.5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Bigger Books Affiliate Program
Chegg was established in 2005 and is based in California, US.
Chegg’s Student Hub makes higher education more affordable and more accessible. They offer up to 90% off textbooks through their rental system.
Student Hub Services also includes; Chegg Study, tutoring, writing tools, math help, test prep, careers search, internship admissions, and college admissions.
This really could be a one stop shop for students and a great company to partner with.
Commission Rate: $4 – $ 10 Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Chegg Affiliate Program
AudiobooksNow was founded in 2012 and is based in Virginia, US.
AudiobooksNow is a service for downloading and streaming audiobooks.
Users can stream or download audiobook purchases from the website, or download them to the free, Nook, Apple, or Android apps.
Through AudiobooksNow users can save up to 50% off their first purchase and 35-40% off each additional purchase thereafter.
Commission Rate: 10% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 15-30 Days

Join the AudiobooksNow Affiliate Program
Biblio was founded in 2003, its headquarters are based in North Carolina, US.
Biblio has established itself as one of the world’s largest independent marketplace for rare and collectible books, fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books.
They have sites operating in the U.S. (Biblio.com), the U.K. (Biblio.co.uk), Australia (Biblio.com.au) and New Zealand (Biblio.co.nz).
They also offer the Bibliophiles Club, which offers 10% off every purchase.
Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 45 Days

Join the Biblio Affiliate Program
AbeBooks was founded in 1996 and is based in British Columbia, US.
AbeBooks, was acquired by Amazon in 2008. It offers millions of new, used, rare, and out-of-print books. They act as a broker for thousands of sellers around the world.
Their mission is to help people find and buy any book from any bookseller, they operate all around the world with six international sites – AbeBooks.com, AbeBooks.co.uk, AbeBooks.de, AbeBooks.fr, AbeBooks.it, and IberLibro.com, as well as ZVAB.com, which offers German books.
Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 90 Days

Join the AbeBooks Affiliate Program
Better World Books
Better World Books was established in 2002. Its head offices are based in Indiana, US.
It is a socially conscious business and a global online bookseller. It collects and sells new and used books online matching each purchase with a book donation.
Each sale generates funds for literacy and education initiatives in the UK, US, and all around the world.
Since its launch, it has raised close to $29 million for libraries and literacy, as well as donating almost 27 million books and reused or recycled more than 326 million books.
They offer fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books.
Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 90 Days

Join the Better World Books Affiliate Program
eBooks.com was launched in 2000 and is based in Washington, US.
The company is privately held and it is the only independent ebook retailer with a global footprint. They sell ebooks direct to customers as well as offer a range of technical services. Their books are compatible with most e-reader apps.
eBooks.com hosts millions of unique ebook titles and has over 5 million members. They have five local sales portals in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, and Australia.
Commission Rate: 8% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 45 Days

Join the eBooks.com Affiliate Program
Bookroo was established in 2015 and is based in Utah, US.
Bookroo offers a children’s book club. It is a subscription service for children ages 0-12 years.
Their mission is to enable and empower parents to build their children’s book collections in an affordable and exciting way through curated monthly book deliveries.
Commission Rate: 10% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 90 Days

Join the Bookroo Affiliate Program
Chronicle Books
Chronicle Books was founded in 1967, its head offices are based in California, US.
It publishes and distributors illustrated books, gifts, and games for all ages.
Its list spans art, photography, food, lifestyle, pop culture, humor, self-help, wellness, children’s books, and stationery, among other categories.
Commission Rate: 6% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Chronicle Books Affiliate Program
BookPal was founded in 2005 and is based in California, US.
It offers bulk deliveries of books at wholesale prices, saving up to 55% off retail prices. They also offer a price match guarantee and free shipping.
They have a large catalog to choose from as well as provide book recommendations, each account holder gets to connect with a book specialist to help them with their purchase.
Commission Rate: 4% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 60 Days

Join the BookPal Affiliate Program
Book Depository
Book Depository was established in 2002 and has its head offices in London, UK
They offer millions of books, including titles from indie authors, manga, graphic novels, fiction, and books for children to name a few.
They also offer books in French, Polish, Finnish, German, Italian, Spanish, as well as English.
Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the Book Depository Affiliate Program
Kelsey Media
Kelsey Media was established in 1989 and is based in Kent, UK.
It is a market leading and independently owned publisher and events business. It offers a range of magazines from fitness, well-being, work, and fashion, to classic and performance motoring, trucking, tractors, and smallholding.
Customers can subscribe for different lengths of time.
Commission Rate: £2 to £20 Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Kelsey Media Affiliate Program
C&T Publishing
C&T Publishing was founded in 1983 and is based in California, US.
It is a family-run craft book publisher. On there, users can find books and products on quilting, sewing, embroidery, cozy mysteries, cosplay, and more.
What may be of interest is that the company offer a print on demand program for out of print books.
Commission Rate: 15% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 60 Days

Join the C&T Publishing Affiliate Program
Knit Picks
Knit Picks was established in 1999 and has its headquarters based in Alabama, US.
It is a site dedicated to all things crafting, they sell a range of yarn, fibers, needles, hooks, tools, and craft kits. In addition to these, they offer a range of patterns and books dedicated to all things knitting, crochet, and crafting.
If you are in the crafting niche, this could be a great program to partner with.
Commission Rate: 10% – 30% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the Knit Picks Affiliate Program
Perfect Pets
Perfect Pets was established in 2020 and has its physical store located in Peterborough, UK
Perfect-Pets is a one-stop destination for finding information, helpful guides, how-tos, and articles on all things pet care.
The books they publish are on cat care and dog care cover a broad range of topics to help readers better understand their pet’s needs.
These books include first aid basics, optimal diets, vaccinations, microchips, insurance, breed care, dog training, and much more.
Commission Rate: 20% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Perfect Pets Affiliate Program
The Maniscripting Journal
The Maniscripting Journal was launched in 2000 and it has its head offices in California, US.
It is a workbook and undated 90-day journal designed to help you get users clear on their goals and desires, transform their life, and awaken their inner Goddess energy.
Although the journal is the main focus of the site, the site sells many other accessories such as candles, crystals, and mists.
Commission Rate: 15% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the Maniscripting Affiliate Program
StudentMags was founded in 1997 in Michigan, US.
It is an online retailer that offers over 800 magazines. They offer a wide variety of magazines including cooking, crafting, entertainment, fitness, lifestyles, organization, and hobbies.
They offer a subscription service, and these magazines are heavily discounted.
Commission Rate: $2 Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 45 Days

Join the StudentMags Affiliate Program
Blurb was founded in 2004 and its head offices are based in California, US.
It is a company that allows people to design, publish, share, and sell their own printed and digital books, allowing them to publish their books worldwide.
If your audience may be interested in self-publishing their work, this could be a good affiliate network to work with.
Commission Rate: 2% – 15% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: 30 Days

Join the Blurb Affiliate Program
PokeNerds was founded in 2019 and is based in Missouri, US.
Living up to the name, PokeNerds sells Pokémon merchandise, including pre-release items and imported cards and merchandise. In addition the this, it offers Pokemon books.
It also has a community with in-person trading events, live streamed box openings, and hangouts on Discord.
Commission Rate: 8.5% Per Sale
Cookie Duration: Unknown

Join the PokeNerds Affiliate Program
That concludes our round-up of some of the best book affiliate programs available. Hopefully, we have given you some ideas around companies that you can partner with to offer your audience what they need.