Should I Start an Amazon Affiliate Site?

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It seems like there are so many out there already?

This is one of the permission questions I hear all the time. You can substitute any business model…

  • “Should I try Amazon Kindle Publishing?”
  • “Should I do Fulfilled by Amazon?”
  • “Should I try drop-shipping?”
  • “Should I start a podcast?”
  • “Should I open a restaurant?”
  • “Should I open a brewery?”

Here’s the thing you may not realize (yet):

Any of the business models can work.

When I discovered niche sites and affiliate marketing in 2013, there were lots of sites already and lots of competition. People claimed that niche sites were too competitive. But anything worthwhile will have some competition.

Check out how to build an Amazon Affiliate Website. You can start from scratch and from nothing and grow fast. There are examples of brand new people getting started in really competitive markets and channels (YouTube, Podcasts, Blogs, Instagram, and so on…) and knocking it out of the park.

So, YES, you should start an Amazon Affiliate site if you’re interested. (Review some of the best amazon affiliate sites for inspiration).

But don’t try to do too much at once. You can start a podcast, blog, and Amazon affiliate income site, but you shouldn’t try to do all of them at one time. You’ll be way better off focusing on one thing at a time. We think we can do more than we really can — it’s a really common misconception.

Start something. Take action. Just make sure it’s focused on one effort.

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Other “Permission” Questions

About the author: Doug Cunnington is the founder of Niche Site Project. He shows people how to create Affiliate Sites using project management and a proven, repeatable framework. Doug loves creating systems, using templates, and brewing beer (but usually not at the same time).

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